New Shoes and the Democratic Process ……… Day 66


Today the United Kingdom goes to the polls.  People all across the country are exercising their right to vote ….in a variety of polling stations.  In schools, community centres, little village halls and even, in some isolated areas ….caravans and other such weird and wonderful places.

As I have said before, I do not blog about my political beliefs ……I think its nobody’s business but my own.  But I do believe we should vote ….. regardless of which party we favour.

I voted in Skidby Village Hall ….. it was very quiet when I was there ….just two other people in attendance ….but, apparently they expect to be steadily busy all day ……… I hope so.



Yesterday, I had to resort to posting an old blog-post because I had been out all day, searching for a pair of shoes to wear at my daughter’s, fast-approaching wedding.

I had intended to wear a pair that I already owned, as they have only been worn once before ….at Royal Ascot.  But, after further consideration, I changed my mind.  You see, I have arthritic knees ….probably a result of years standing, grooming dogs.  And the shoes in question have a thin, precarious heel.  ….You see my problem ?

So, I decided to pop into Hull and purchase a new pair …….any excuse, eh !!!   I thought that I would be sure to find something there….some reasonably priced shoes …… …….. ………

Well, I couldn’t have chosen a worse day ….the sky was leaden and the wind was practically hurricane force ….

Leaden skies .....and no the wind hasn't blown the houses sideways ....though it was very nearly strong enough !

Leaden skies …..and no the wind hasn’t blown the houses sideways ….though it was very nearly strong enough !

But, never one to let common sense get in the way of a shopping trip ….I set off on the bus…..

Its so much easier by bus fighting for parking spaces.

Its so much easier by bus ….no fighting for parking spaces.

Unfortunately, finding a suitable pair of shoes was not as easy  as I had anticipated.

I am not very tall and my feet are quite tiny.  Size 3 or sometimes 4 ….depending on the fit.  I like elegant shoes ….pretty shoes.  And, as I said, I can no longer wear a high heel.

Well, I searched in every store that sold footwear……methodically working my way through every  damn shop in every  flipping street.

I traipsed through all the department stores and shopping malls.

And do you know how difficult it is to buy pretty shoes that don’t have great clompy soles and ridiculously high heels ?

No ? ….


The really fashionable, high street shops seemed to be full of shoes that resembled  ‘pit boots’ , or horrid, ugly things that would make  Minnie Mouse’s footwear look elegant.

And I really tried ….oh yes …. but all I could see were either flat little  ballerina pumps, which were really not  dressy enough….or  great, heavy, platformed-soled monstrosities that made me look as though I was on stilts.  (and …yes…I did wear platform-soles in the 1970s, but they were much nicer than the current, two-feet high, things)

I was beginning to give up hope …. I was resigned to wearing my  ‘old’ pair …..

And then the heavens opened …..I was cold and soaked and fed up……..

Realising that it was totally unrealistic to expect to find what I wanted in the chain-stores, I headed to my last resort …….

Finally a glimmer of hope ……


… one of the rather up-market establishments …………

I guess I must have looked like something from the  ‘Wreck of the Hesperus’ ….as, by now, I had been thoroughly buffeted by wind and rain ….. But the sales assistant was lovely and helpfully understanding ….and, finally, my mission was accomplished ……..

Lovely elegant shoes, with a small wedge heel ….and so comfortable that I hardly know I’m wearing them ……

I should have just gone straight to this shop ……I ought to know better by now …………..


…..I’m afraid this glimpse is all you’re getting though ……….. I don’t want to ‘reveal all’  until the day of the wedding …..I’m sure you understand.


My journey home was as tiresome as my shopping trip ………..


….though the municipal gardens looked pretty beneath the dark clouds…… …….. torrential rain had set in and everyone looked glum …….


………… and my bus-ride took twice as long as normal, because we were stuck in a traffic jam ………

Not just any old jam ….. but total grid-lock, because, due to the heavy down-pour, there was a burst water-main in Cottingham.

But, at least I had my shoes ………..


About rosiewrites2

She never drinks the water, makes you order French Champagne..........
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