My Christmas Message

I wanted to share my thoughts about this time of year and so I revisited my posts from past years, for some inspiration and found this.

It was originally posted on my old blog “Tilting at Windmills“, however, I make no apology for posting it here. I feel it is still relevant; indeed, I have been trying my best to  “keep Christmas in my heart”  all year.  I hope I have succeeded.


What does Christmas mean to you,  in this multi-cultural country?   This internet led, celebrity obsessed, twittering, face booking, commercial, attention seeking society ?

Does it still have the same wonder and magic of your childhood ?  The same warmth and love and religious meaning ?

Or is it just a time to indulge oneself ?   To eat far too much and drink far too much and rack up the debt on the credit card, buying gifts no-one needs and toys for children who already own more than an average  Toys ‘ R ‘ Us ?

I was brought up in the Christian faith.  A protestant, Church of England, whatever you wish to call it, until I was around 12 yrs old.  Then my parents told me about other religions and faiths and pretty much left me alone to come to my own conclusions.

I will always be grateful for their openness and honesty and I believe that helped to give me the open mind I now possess.

I went through the usual transitions and idealistic beliefs.  The ‘child of the Universe‘  and  hippy era of the  1960s and  the complete denial of anything greater than myself in the selfish, teenage years.

I finally came to the conclusion that I was an atheist, but extremely tolerant of other peoples beliefs. ‘Each to their own‘  has always been my motto !

However, throughout all the changes, the one constant was  Christmas and I have always loved this time of year.

So, why, when I no longer believe in the  ‘Virgin birth‘,  the trip to  Bethlehem and the over-booked inns. The wondering shepherds and the wandering  Magi.  Why do I love this time of year so much ?

Could it be that it reminds me of my childhood ?

Those happy years in the bosom of my family, when everything was simple and no-one had ever heard of   The X Factor  and Amazon was a river in South America.

When we spent weeks making paper decorations and Christmas cards. The fun of the school nativity play with tea-towels round our heads and  ‘Mary‘  dropping the  ‘baby Jesus ‘  and breaking off one of  his legs.

Wrapping up warmly;  muffled in scarves and hats and wellington boots and carol singing in the snow. In those days we sang the whole carol too,  not like today, where you are as likely to get a note or two of the latest Lady GaGa hit and then a loud rattle of the letterbox or elbow on the doorbell.

Could it be the memory of waking in the early hours and crawling to the foot of the bed and feeling, in the darkness, for the stocking you had hung up at bedtime, which was now filled with crayons and  ‘jacks’, golden coins in nets and the ubiquitous tangerine?

Then the excitement of unwrapping our main present.  Yes, we only received ONE present each !

We would then produce our gifts for our parents. This was my favourite part.  I loved to watch them unwrapping the little trinkets,  so lovingly bought with pocket money and carefully wrapped in thin paper and tied with one of my hair-ribbons.

Time passes so quickly in my mind and I now recall Christmas in my teenage years. Shopping for gifts for family and special friends.  Running back and forth between the stores, trying to decide on the perfect present.

Parties and fun with groups of friends, all laughing and happy. Walking through frosty streets in mini skirts and  ‘fun-fur ‘ coats with paper party hats on our heads and a song in our hearts.  Arm in arm in a long line across the pavement and calling out to chums across the road. Then falling into bed as the day dawned and rising late to enjoy Christmas dinner with the family.  Then ‘ Morecambe and Wise’  on TV.   I would sit there,  pretending I was far too  ‘cool’  for such things,  but secretly loving every minute. Pulling crackers with my younger siblings and playing  ‘Charades‘ and  ‘Twister‘ and laughing at Granddad’s jokes.

Then, when I married and eventually had  a family of my own the whole thing turned full circle and there was the excitement of the preparations once again.

The striving to make everything perfect for my loved ones so that their memories would be as happy as mine,

Searching for the special gifts. Making sure everyone was warm and well-fed and content. The joy on the faces of the little ones, on Christmas morning as they peeped around the door and asked,

Has Santa Claus been ?

The arrival of family and friends, all eager to share this special day. Presents just an afterthought as we hugged and laughed and caught up with the latest news.  All together, safe and loved.

And now I think I get it !

I think I know why I love Christmas so much.

It is because of the happiness that seems to overshadow all the troubles of the year. The feeling of love and togetherness. For some it is a religious celebration and I respect this, but for me it is an expression of love and caring.  The one day when rivalries and differences should be forgotten.

In this cold, impersonal world, with family and friends flung far and wide around the globe;  when no-one knows their neighbour and doors are locked all day. When people live in fear and loneliness.   Christmas gives us an excuse to hug.  To say  “Merry Christmas”  to complete strangers.  To take a box of chocolates or biscuits to the old lady down the road.  To laugh and be silly and to visit family and friends we never usually see.

I have always been a ‘hugger‘, a spontaneous chatterer who will talk to anyone, anywhere. Isn’t it a pity so many people need Christmas as the excuse to be the same ?

And so, dear friends, shall we all endeavour to be more like Scrooge in  ‘A Christmas Carol’ ?

WHAT?”  I hear you say !  But no, not the  ‘Bah humbug’  Scrooge !!

Oh no, I mean the Scrooge that emerged after he had been visited by those three spirits,  The kindly Scrooge who  ‘knew how to keep Christmas well’  and keep it in our hearts all year long.

And so, I wish you all a Wonderful Christmas time. Happy Holidays, regardless of whatever God you worship or belief you have,

Bless us, everyone !

Since I wrote this, I have lost family members and some dear friends and their loss leaves a huge void in my heart. I also realise that this time of year is not a warm, fuzzy melee of hugs and love for everyone.  Many find this time of year a struggle. There is enormous pressure from the media and other sources to make this a season of  ‘Magic and Sparkle’. To emulate the cosy scenes we see on our TVs. Many cannot cope with the extra demands put on an already well-stretched budget. Although Christmas shouldn’t be about  ‘commercialism’, we are bombarded from all sides with conspicuous consumerism and we feel guilty if we are unable to fill  ‘Santa’s list’.

Some people prefer to retreat into their private worlds and cancel Christmas.  I respect this.

 And many people do not celebrate this season at all, we are, as I said, a multi-cultural society. 

But, however you choose to spend the next few days, whether it be in the bosom of your family  or alone, by choice.  Maybe you are at work, or halfway up a mountain.

I wish you peace and happiness, .everyone should have that.

About rosiewrites2

She never drinks the water, makes you order French Champagne..........
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2 Responses to My Christmas Message

  1. Rockleigh says:

    Thankyou dear friend, may you too find peace and comfort this Christmas time

    *wipes away a tear*

    May your god bless you

    Liked by 1 person

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